tour go on the "razzle dazzle" 関連ツイート
RT @oohamazaki: 東京五輪開催可否について問われたコーツIOC調整委員長「確実に開催」と日本で報道。
なお、原文を見ると"The Prime Minister of Japan said that to the President of the United St…@delfinodelmario 2021/05/09 14:56
RT @pjm_streaming: A stage filled with innumerable people or he is the only one standing, Jimin brings the spotlight on him by performing a…
@jiminbae143 2021/05/09 14:39
RT @Waka_Mm3: おはよう☀
Today, I’ll go training, go to gym, work at home, and do Tw…@shyou0412 2021/05/09 15:01